The logo for the eox employee ownership expansion network
A man wearing glasses and a suit is smiling for the camera.


executive director, Beyster Institute at the rady school of management, uc san diego


As the leader of Rady School of Management’s Beyster Institute, Kim Blaugher provides stewardship for programs and initiatives designed to educate students, academic faculty, company founders, and consultants on how to build Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) and other employee-owned enterprises. Under his guidance, Beyster staff and Rady School interns engage with companies to provide consulting and feasibility analysis for ESOP transactions and benefit level modeling. He joined the Rady School in 2019.

Blaugher has more than 30 years of experience in the ESOP community. He has helped companies determine the feasibility of an ESOP, forecast repurchase obligations, and crafted ESOP transactions designed to address each client’s unique needs and objectives. Prior to joining the Beyster Institute, he worked in the ESOP practices of private companies including Principal Financial Group, William M. Mercer & Associates, RSM and KPMG. Blaugher has a bachelor’s degree from Earlham College and a master’s degree in taxation from the University of Denver.

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