The Employee Ownership Expansion Network has made great strides in creating and supporting a network of State Centers for Employee Ownership but with your help we can accomplish so much more. We believe in the power of people, businesses, organizations, and local governments coming together to create a movement. Now is the time to join this movement to create a more equitable and just economy for all working people of our country.
The Employee Ownership Expansion Network needs your assistance in three ways; time, talent, and investment. With a solid foundation of employee ownership ambassadors and investors, EOX can create a network of State Centers for Employee Ownership across the country and accomplish our goal of creating one million new employee owners by the end of 2025. Your investment will be used for staffing, grassroots outreach, and general support of all State Centers on a national level by EOX.
Initial staff members at each State Center
Initial annual budget for a State Center
Of new ESOP's created in 2017 were by businesses in states with centers for employee ownership
Employee ownership is great for both workers and business results. Data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) found that across demographic groups, young workers at employee-owned firms benefit in the following ways:
Higher Median Income from Wages
Higher Household Net Wealth
Higher Median Job Tenure
Data quoted here is from Employee Ownership and Economic Well-Being by Nancy Wiefek, Ph.D., Research Director, National Center for Employee Ownership. Numerous studies have found that employee-owned companies enjoy higher revenue, productivity, and profitability than their competitors.
Project Equity continues to expand education across the nation and directly support more businesses and workers each year. To learn more, please visit our 2021 Impact Snapshot Report.
If you would like to support our capital campaign or are just interested in learning more, please contact us at
1405 S Fern Street
Box 534
Arlington, VA 22202
If you’d like to support our capital campaign, or are interested in learning more, we’d love to hear from you.
Thank you for contacting us! Be on the lookout for an email from EOX.
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© 2023 Employee Ownership Expansion Network - Managed by Olive Street Design